Sanoma's releases in English

Sanoma issues a EUR 150 million social bond

5 September 2024

Stock Exchange Releases Sanoma Group Sustainability

European teachers see a digital future with books in their hands

5 September 2024

Sanoma Learning Sanoma Group Press Releases Sustainability

Sanoma launches a Social Bond Framework

2 September 2024

Press Releases Sanoma Group Sustainability

Sanoma’s Sustainability Report 2023 published – learn about our sustainability highlights

5 March 2024

Sanoma Group Sanoma Learning Sanoma Media Finland Sustainability

Developing a more sustainable future: SDG4BIZ-project guides the way

26 February 2024

Sanoma Group Sanoma Learning Sustainability

Sanoma defines ethical principles for the responsible use of artificial intelligence

16 February 2024

Sanoma Media Finland Sustainability Sanoma Learning Sanoma Group

Sanoma maintained its CDP Climate rating on leadership level of A-

14 February 2024

Press Releases Sanoma Group Sustainability Sanoma Media Finland Sanoma Learning

Privacy Awareness Week in Sanoma Learning - 9 tips to secure your privacy

2 February 2024

Sanoma Learning Sanoma Group Sustainability

Sanoma’s climate targets approved by the Science Based Targets initiative

2 November 2023

Press Releases Sanoma Group Sanoma Learning Sanoma Media Finland Sustainability

Sanomista vastuullisuudesta podcast provides marketers with tips and peer support in the sustainability jungle

25 September 2023

Sustainability Sanoma Media Finland Sanoma Group

Sanoma celebrates Read Hour 2023

4 September 2023

Press Releases Sanoma Media Finland Sanoma Group Sanoma Learning Sustainability

Happy Pride month – this is how Sanoma promotes diversity and inclusion

21 June 2023

Press Releases Sanoma Media Finland Sustainability Sanoma Group Sanoma Learning

A secret room in Counter-Strike distributes independent journalism about the war in Ukraine to millions of Russian gamers on World Press Freedom Day

3 May 2023

Sanoma Media Finland Sustainability Sanoma Group

Sanoma participates in Climate Leadership Coalition's climate campaign

13 March 2023

Sustainability Sanoma Group Sanoma Media Finland

Sustainability report 2022 – seven sustainability highlights from 2022

6 March 2023

Sanoma Group Sanoma Media Finland Sanoma Learning Sustainability

Sanoma’s Annual Report 2022 published

6 March 2023

Stock Exchange Releases Sanoma Group Sustainability

Sanoma has added sustainability-linked KPIs to its EUR 300 million Syndicated Revolving Credit Facility

2 March 2023

Press Releases Sanoma Group Sustainability

A year of news from Ukraine

24 February 2023

Sanoma Media Finland Sustainability Sanoma Group

Sanoma’s printing houses have been ISO 14001 environmentally certified and environmental goals updated

9 January 2023

Sanoma Media Finland Sanoma Group Sustainability

Sanoma’s CDP Climate rating improved to leadership level of A-

14 December 2022

Press Releases Sanoma Group Sustainability

Sanoma included in Nasdaq OMX Sustainability Finland Index

1 December 2022

Investor News Sanoma Group Sustainability Sanoma Learning Sanoma Media Finland

Nowa Era hosts Poland’s largest literacy contest for the sixth time

30 November 2022

Sanoma Learning Sustainability Sanoma Group

Down a degree - Sanoma joins energy savings campaign

18 October 2022

Sanoma Media Finland Sustainability Sanoma Group

First year of HS Ympäristö – “good news also have appeal, sometimes more so than doomsday scenarios,” says producer Piia Elonen

3 October 2022

Press Releases Sanoma Media Finland Sanoma Group Sustainability

Which book will you open next Thursday? Read Hour encourages to read and celebrate the UN Literacy day

2 September 2022

Press Releases Sanoma Media Finland Sustainability Sanoma Learning Sanoma Group

Sanoma rated Prime by ISS ESG Corporate Rating

30 August 2022

Investor News Sustainability Sanoma Group Sanoma Learning Sanoma Media Finland

Sanoma supports the Red Cross and several other initiatives to help the relief work in Ukraine

9 March 2022

Sanoma Group Sanoma Learning Sanoma Media Finland Sustainability

Sanoma supports UN Women Finland in women's day 2022 campaign

8 March 2022

Sanoma Media Sustainability Sanoma Group

Letter from the CEO: Successful year with strong organic growth and improved profitability

1 March 2022

Sustainability Sanoma Group Sanoma Learning Sanoma Media Finland

Strong overall sustainability performance in 2021

1 March 2022

Sustainability Sanoma Learning Sanoma Media Finland Sanoma Group