Digitisation plays an increasing role in the classroom and the daily work of teachers. Malmberg sees a growing need at schools to teach completely digital via laptops, computers or tablets.

Depending on how digital a teacher wants to teach and what the ICT facilities at school are, Malmberg’s new generation teaching methods offer different packages, varying from 100% Digital up to 100% Paper. A teacher himself can choose with which package he wants and can start. A teacher/school can ‘grow digitally’. This means that every year a school can choose a package with more digital components.

Digital profile
Malmberg has developed the Optimal Digital Test for teachers. With this test, a teacher can quickly find out his 'digital profile'. For each method, a separate test has been created. Based on the test, a teacher can immediately see what package fits him and the school’s situation best. Over 500 teachers have already completed this test. This campaign also offers teachers the possibility to order trial licenses for the ePractice Pack and the Full Digital Pack.

Simon Kücher & Partner
For each package separate price fixings have been drawn up in close cooperation with the agency Simon Kücher & Partner. Payment for the use of content has been the starting point for determining the new prices. This means that a comparable price level has been chosen, whether the customer chooses digital, folio or both.

More information on Malmberg’s new packages “Optimal Digital” and the specs new generation can be found in the factsheet.  

For more information, please contact Yvonne Kuypers, Marketer SE at Malmberg.

About Malmberg
Malmberg is a well-known and leading educational publisher in the Netherlands. Malmberg publishes mixed media learning systems, educational tools and services for teachers for the Dutch market on primary, secondary and vocational schools. Malmberg is part of the Strategic Business Unit Sanoma Learning.