In January 2011 Van In launched the first Belgian online exercise platform for primary education for all subjects. On, students can do online exercises at home or at school.

In January 2011, 20% of all Flemish schools started working with this new online system. Soon almost 80% of all Flemish primary schools will be able to use There are over 2000 exercises on, that are all directly linked to the materials used in class, making it very easy for teachers to integrate it in their current ways of working. 

‘Primary education is becoming much more divers, and the need for a customized student approach is growing, says Vicky Adriaensen, Business Unit Manager Primary Education at Van In. 

‘At the same time we need to keep students motivated. That’s why it is important to adapt the learning materials to the students environment. And of course the digital world plays a crucial role in this.’

‘The students will start at a floating, green island, They can create their own avatar, an online friend, that gives them tips and feedback.’, continues Vicky.

‘As the students grow older, the island will change accordingly. At the first year, the island is still very simple, but in the sixth year, we already use futuristic buildings such as a block of flats. This is a way to stimulate students to keep practicing.’

’The exercise platform also has an automatic level adjustment system. This means that the system automatically goes to a lower level if a student gives an incorrect answer twice. Later, when the student gives the corrects answers, the level goes up again.’

‘ offers teachers many benefits. Since it’s an online platform, exercises can be used as homework or extra practise. Teachers can even activate exercises per student or per class. Exercises are corrected automatically and detailed results are sent to the teacher. This way teachers can spend more time teaching, but they do keep a good overview of the results.’, concludes Vicky.

If you have any questions about, please contact Vicky Adriaensen, Business Unit Manager Primary Education at Van In. 

Van In is the number one educational publisher in both Flanders and Walloon. Van In develops learning materials aiming at fundamentally improving learning processes. Van In is part of the Division Sanoma Learning & Literature.