Russian-based Independent Media Sanoma Magazines launches its first glossy fashion weekly Grazia. Grazia will be published in cooperation with the Italian publishing company Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A.

Grazia will come out every Tuesday with a print run of 120,000 copies and retail price of RUB 40 (EUR 1.15). Grazia's target reader is a successful 25–40 year old woman open to new experiences and not afraid to experiment. Weekly Grazia offers them latest fashion news, real life stories, celebrity interviews, tips from top stylists and fashion designers, shopping guides, and reports from the world's most glamorous parties.

Grazia was originally launched in Italy in 1938. Owned by Italy's market-leading publisher Mondadori, Grazia is rated the Number 1 weekly glossy in Italy and the United Kingdom. The Russian edition of Grazia will become the 7th international edition of the magazine.

Independent Media Sanoma Magazines is part of SanomaWSOY's magazine division Sanoma Magazines.